Monday, November 15, 2010

Fat Mexicans, Wizard Staffs, and South Bend! OH MY!!!

Hello friends

Wow. Just wow. South Bend for a 3 day weekend. Wow. Nucking Futs. Went to Notre Dame on Thursday night and came home Sunday night. Very impressive. Campus is beautiful. People are....well definitely not what I'm use to but I met/saw some pretty kick ass people up there. Peebs, Julia, Slaney, Kray, OD, Nick, and many others. They can show ya a good time. Real nice people who just wanna have some fun. Lots of drinking. Lots of partying. And a shit ton of hangovers. Went to the game on Saturday. Did some wicked tailgating and discovered a great drinking project in Wizard Staffs. Thats right. Wizard Staffs. Take your empty beer and duct a new beer on top of it and keep going till you need to use it as a walking stick. Props to Kray for rockin a staff that was ATLEAST 17 deep. Just insane.

Went and saw Gabriel Igluesias in Des Moines Sunday night. I knew going in that that show was gonna be great but what I watched was 100x more than what I thought it was gonna be. Gabriel had a bunch of friends do some quick stand up before him. They were hilarious. But Gabriel is the man. He knows how to entertain a crowd! He stayed onstage for 2 hours over the alotted time slot!!!! He asked the audience if we wanted him to keep going and we all yelled and cheered YES! So he did! For 2 EXTRA hours! He is phenomenal live!

Saw the Dreamgirl tonight. God. That was....well words can not describe what it was. It was great seeing her.

Did she miss me....oh BOY! Did she miss me....

Man did I miss her....

Holla atch yo boi!


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